Baseline assessment learner response

Create a new blog post called 'Y13 baseline assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW-Q2 +Q3 show real potential: engagement with the question, extensive paragraphs and some knowledge of theory. We just need a little more consistency and accuracy to open up with higher grades.

EBI- Q1 has cost you here: revise Radio topic and BBC Radio + Newsbeat in particular. Those should be relatively easy marks

-In Q3, some of your theories or CSP are inaccurate so revise the CSP and Magazine Topic. in particular, revise the Gentle Club. Statistics would also help with the question.

2) Focusing on the BBC Newsbeat question, write three ways it helps to fulfil the BBC's mission statement that you didn't include in your original assessment answer. Use the mark scheme for ideas.

Inform Young people (15-29 year olds)
Selection of news is chosen to educate young audience
Construction of bulletin- Sports, music, celebrity

3) Question two asked you how useful media effects theories are in understanding the audience response to War of the Worlds. Complete the following:
  • Gerbner's Cultivation theory: useful or not useful? Why? No, the reaction was overexaggerated by the newspaper industry to give a bad reputation to radio
  • Frankfurt School's Hypodermic Needle model: useful or not useful? Why? It is useful because it shows that some people do just get "injected with information" and act on it without thinking
  • Stuart Hall's Reception theory: useful or not useful? Why? Debatable. This is because it's hard to tell what the actual preferred reading was.
4) Write a full essay plan for the 25-mark Magazines question. The mark scheme contains plenty of ideas you can use here. Your plan should include notes/bullet points addressing the following:
  • Introduction: one sentence answering the original question and laying out your argument clearly.
  • Paragraph 1 content/ideas: Useful for GQ, New masculinity
  • Paragraph 2 content/ideas: Not useful for GQ, Print sales
  • Paragraph 3 content/ideas: Useful for Gentle Woman, Personal identity, strong brand
  • Paragraph 4 content/ideas: Not useful for Gentle Woman, It niche brand 
  • Conclusion: sum up your argument a final time in one sentence
5) Finally, identify three key skills/topics you want to work on in A Level Media this year before the final exams in the summer.

  • Radio Newsbeat
  • GQ context
  • Statistics 


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